Catalogue number : 1864.7.2.3. (old number: 1449a)
Sex: female
Locality: –
Date of acquisition: 1864
History of mount: original mount of straw
head – body 2,400 m
tail 0,410 m
ear 0,165 m
hindfoot, left 0,480 m
hindfoot, right 0,440 m
shoulder height 1,180 m
State of preservation: poor, left ear off but present; skin cracked; crude repairs
Further material of same individual: the complete skeleton in the collection, which was believed to belong to this skin, is that of a male and is probably that of the third London Zoo quagga whose skin is considered to be the one at the Wiesbaden Museum.
References: Lydekker (1904); Renshaw (1904); Ridgeway (1909); Flower (1929); Antonius (1931)